Saturday, December 14, 2024

Reasons A to Z


A.) He lies. A LOT. Politifact rates 69% of the words he speaks as “Mostly False or worse” Only 17% of the things he says get a “Mostly True” or better rating. That is an absolutely unbelievable number. How he doesn’t speak more truth by mistake is beyond me. To put it in context, Obama’s rating was 26% mostly false or worse, and I had a problem with that. Many of Trump’s former business associates report that he has always been a compulsive liar, but now he’s the President of the United States, and that’s a problem. And this is a man who expects you to believe him when he points at other people and says “They’re lying”
B.) He’s an authoritarian populist, not a conservative. He advances regressive social policy while proposing to expand federal spending and federalist authority over states, both of which conservatives are supposed to hate.
C.) He pretends at Christianity to court the Religious Right but fails to live anything resembling a Christ-Like Life.
D.) His nationalist “America First” message effectively alienates us and removes us from our place as leaders in the international community.
E.) His ideas on “Keeping us safe” are all thinly veiled ideas to remove our freedoms, he is, after all, an authoritarian first. They also are simply bad ideas.
F.) He couldn’t pass a 3rd-grade civics exam. He doesn't’ know what he’s doing. He doesn't understand how international relations work, he doesn’t understand how federal state or local governments work, and every time someone tries to “Run it like a business” it’s a spectacular failure. See Colorado Springs’ recent history as an example. The Short, Unhappy Life of a Libertarian Paradise And that was a businessman with a MUCH better business track record than Trump. We are talking about a man who lost money owning a freaking gambling casino.
G.) He behaves unethicaly and always has. As a businessman, he constantly left in his wake unpaid contractors and invoices, litigation, broken promises, whatever he could get away with.
H.) He is damaging our relationships with our best international friends while kissing up to nations that do not have our best interests in mind. To his question “Wouldn't’ it be great to have better relations with Russia?” The answer is Yes. But it is RUSSIA who needs to earn that, who must stop doing the things that are damaging to that relationship, or we are simply weaker for it.
I.) He has never seen a shortcut he didn't like, and you can’t take shortcuts in government. “Nuclear Option, Remove the Filibuster, I’ll change the Constitution by Executive Order…Don…what happens when you remove the filibuster and the other side retakes the majority in the Senate? Suddenly want that filibuster back? What happens if you manage to change the Constitution by Executive Order and an Anti-2A President wins the next election?
J.) He behaves and has always behaved as an unabashed racist. Yes, I’ve seen your favorite meme that claims he was never accused of racism before the Democrats…Absolutely false. Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019 See the Central Park 5, the lawsuits and fines resulting from his refusal to lease to black tenants, the 1992 lost appeal trying to overturn penalties for removing black dealers from tables, his remarks to the house native American affairs subcommittee in 1993. The man sees and treats racial groups of people as monoliths.
K.) He is systematically steamrolling regulations specifically designed to keep a disaster like the 2007 subprime mortgage crisis from happening again.
L.) He speaks and acts like a demagogue. He sees the Legislative and Judicial branches of government as inconveniences, blows up at criticism no matter how deserved and actively tries to countermand constitutional processes, not to mention attempts to blackmail and coerce people who are saying negative things about him
M.) His choices for top positions, with the exception of Gen. Mattis, who is a gem, have been horrendous. A secretary of Education without a resume that would get her hired as a small town grammar school principal, A secretary of Energy who didn't know the Department of Energy was responsible for nuclear reserves, an EPA head whose biggest accomplishments to date had been suing the EPA on multiple occasions, an FCC head who while working for Verizon actively lobbied to kill net neutrality, and an Attorney General who thinks pot is “nearly as bad as heroin” and asked Congress for permission to go after legal pot businesses in states where it is legal. (There goes that great Republican States rights rally cry again, right? *Crickets*) An Interim AG after Firing his First AG who’s appointment is probably unconstitutional.
N.) He denies scientific fact. Ever notice that the only people you hear denying climate change are politicians and lobbyists? 99% of actual scientists studying the issue agree that it’s real, man-made and caused by greenhouse gasses. Ever notice that every big disaster movie starts with a bunch of politicians in a room ignoring a scientist's warning?
0.) He does not have the temperament to lead this nation. He is Thin Skinned, childish, and a bully, never mind misogynistic, boorish, rude, and incapable of civil discourse.
P.) He still does not understand that the words he speaks, or tweets, are the official position of 1/3 of the US government, and so does not govern his words. He still thinks when he speaks it’s good ol’ Donald Trump. It’s not. It’s the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. You have probably spread a meme or two around talking about how no president’s every word has ever been dissected before…YES, THEY ALWAYS HAVE. It’s just that every other president in our lifetime has understood the importance of his words and took great care to govern his speech. Trump blurts out whatever comes to his mind then complains when people talk about what a dumb thing that was to say.
Q.) He’s unqualified. If you owned a small business and were looking for someone to manage it, and an unnamed resume came across your desk and you saw 6 bankruptcies, showing a man who had failed to make money running CASINOS, would you hire him? He is a very poor businessman. This is a man it has been estimated would have been worth $10 BILLION more if he’d just taken what his father had given him, invested it in Index Funds and left it alone.
R.) He is President. But he refuses to take a leadership position and understand that he is everyone’s President. Conservatives complain about liberals chanting “Not my President” while Trump himself behaves as if no one but his supporters matter.
S.) He’s a blatant hypocrite. He spent 8 years bitching Obama out for his family trips, or golfing, or any time he took for himself, and what does he do? He was already on his 20th golf outing in APRIL of his 1st year in office. He constantly rants about respect for the military, yet can’t be bothered to attend the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day because of a little rain. (And that excuse about Marine One not being able to fly in the rain is HILARIOUS.)
T.) He’s a misogynist. It's not really ok in this day and age to be a misogynist, but it’s not a huge deal if you’re a private citizen. It’s a pretty big deal if you hate half the people you’re elected to lead. The disdain for women seeps out of his …whatever…. and he just can’t hide it.
U.) Face it. In any other election “Grab Em’ By the Pussy” would have been the end of that candidate’s chances. Back in the 90’s I used to marvel about how Teflon Bill Clinton was. I no longer do. The fact that he managed to slip by on that is as much a statement about how much people hate Hillary Clinton as it is about what is wrong with politics in this country right now.
V.) He has one response to a differing opinion. Attack. A good leader listens to criticism, to different points of view, is capable of self-reflection, tries to guide people to his point of view, and when necessary stands his ground and defends his convictions. Any of that sound like Trump? His default is not to Lead, its’ to attack. Scorched Earth. The Jim Acosta reaction is a good example. There was no defense of his convictions when Acosta was asking him repeated questions about his rhetoric on the caravan. His response was to attack Acosta.
W.) He takes credit for everything positive while deflecting blame for everything negative. Look at him with the Stock Market. He’s been bragging about it since day one, and to give credit where credit is due, speculation on coming deregulation early in his presidency did fuel some rapid growth, but to pretend that it’s all him, that we’re not in the 9th year of the longest bull market in history and THEN, when the standard market volatility that deregulation inevitably brings about starts to show up? Yeah. Look at yesterday. Hey! Stock Markets losing because the Democrats won! Do I need to bring out the Stock market chart for the last 10 Years again?
X.) He emboldens the worst among us. Counter-protesters are slammed into by a car while countering actual Nazi rally, and the response is there’s fault on “Both Sides” The media is at fault for a nut job sending them and Donald’s favorite targets pipe bombs. The truth is not all Republicans, not all Trump Supporters are racist, fascist lunatics. Many are just taken in by the bombastic personality and are living in an information bubble made worse by the fact that they unfollow anyone and ignore any source of information that makes them feel uncomfortable. People on the left do that too. The Biggest problem the right has right now is that the worst of the Right is the loudest and the most in your face, and the actual right, especially the Freaking PRESIDENT needs to be standing up and saying No. Those are not our values.
Y.) He seems to think the Constitution of The United States, the document that IS who we are, the document he took an oath to support and defend is some sort of inconvenience. He demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of Constitution, from believing he can alter the 14th through executive order, to thinking The free exercise clause in the first amendment somehow supersedes the establishment clause (not that he really understands either) or that the free exercise clause only applies to Christians. Or his attacks on freedom of expression and the press. He repeatedly makes it clear that if he’s read them, he does not understand Articles 1–3, and that’s something he really should have before he took the job, because they’re not going away.
Z.) I’ll use Z for something I do blame him for, but the rest of us have to carry the blame too. Polarization. This country is more politically polarized than I can remember in my lifetime. Some of you who are a few years older than I may remember how it was in the late 60’s when construction workers in New York were being applauded for beating up hippies, I think it’s pretty close to that right now, but that was before my time. And he is the cause of much of the current level polarization, but also the result. It didn't’ start with Trump. We’ve been going down this road I think since the eruption of the Tea Party in the early years of the Obama Administration. I do hope the tide turns before it gets much worse because the thing that scares me more than anything is what if that keeps going the way it has been? "

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Some Biology for Those Who Claim to Know that Sex is Binary

If you know a bit about biology you will probably say that biological sex is caused by chromosomes, XX and you’re female, XY and you’re male. This is “chromosomal sex” but is it “biological sex”? Well...
Turns out there is only ONE GENE on the Y chromosome that really matters to sex. It’s called the SRY gene. During human embryonic development the SRY protein turns on male-associated genes. Having an SRY gene makes you “genetically male”. But is this “biological sex”?
Sometimes that SRY gene pops off the Y chromosome and over to an X chromosome. Surprise! So now you’ve got an X with an SRY and a Y without an SRY. What does this mean?
A Y with no SRY means physically you’re female, chromosomally you’re male (XY) and genetically you’re female (no SRY). An X with an SRY means you’re physically male, chromsomally female (XX) and genetically male (SRY). But biological sex is simple! There must be another answer...
Sex-related genes ultimately turn on hormones in specifics areas on the body, and reception of those hormones by cells throughout the body. Is this the root of “biological sex”??
“Hormonal male” means you produce ‘normal’ levels of male-associated hormones. Except some percentage of females will have higher levels of ‘male’ hormones than some percentage of males. Ditto ditto ‘female’ hormones. And...
...if you’re developing, your body may not produce enough hormones for your genetic sex. Leading you to be genetically male or female, chromosomally male or female, hormonally non-binary, and physically non-binary. Well, except cells have something to say about this...
Maybe cells are the answer to “biological sex”?? Right?? Cells have receptors that “hear” the signal from sex hormones. But sometimes those receptors don’t work. Like a mobile phone that’s on “do not disturb’. Call and cell, they will not answer.
What does this all mean?
It means you may be genetically male or female, chromosomally male or female, hormonally male/female/non-binary, with cells that may or may not hear the male/female/non-binary call, and all this leading to a body that can be male/non-binary/female.
Try out some combinations for yourself. Notice how confusing it gets? Can you point to what the absolute cause of biological sex is? Is it fair to judge people by it?
Of course you could try appealing to the numbers. “Most people are either male or female” you say. Except that as a biologist professor I will tell you...
The reason I don’t have my students look at their own chromosome in class is because people could learn that their chromosomal sex doesn’t match their physical sex, and learning that in the middle of a 10-point assignment is JUST NOT THE TIME.
Biological sex is complicated. Before you discriminate against someone on the basis of “biological sex” & identity, ask yourself: have you seen YOUR chromosomes? Do you know the genes of the people you love? The hormones of the people you work with? The state of their cells?
Since the answer will obviously be no, please be kind, respect people’s right to tell you who they are, and remember that you don’t have all the answers. Again: biology is complicated. Kindness and respect don’t have to be.
Note: Biological classifications exist. XX, XY, XXY XXYY and all manner of variation which is why sex isn't classified as binary. You can't have a binary classification system with more than two configurations even if two of those configurations are more common than others.
Biology is a shit show. Be kind to people.
Rebecca Helm, a biologist and an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina

Thursday, November 14, 2024

A Letter to My Estranged Mother


About a year ago you asked for something from me.   Here is where I have landed today when I think about what you should hear.

I wish I could have found a way to be more empathetic about your divorce.  That was hard.  You were not the only one who was cast adrift.

I wish you would not have judged a person that I considered part of my family without knowing her and without knowing me.  That went against my values.

I wish you would not have tried to secretly baptize my child.  That was just wrong.

I wish you could have been part of my family.  I tried and felt rejected by you.

I wish you would have been able to get to know me, my wife, my children, and the wonderful partners they have chosen to share in their lives and start their own families with.  I was not heard or seen much of my early life.  This feels like a continuation of that.

I wish you could have separated your anger, fear, and bitterness from our relationship.  I was unable to keep it from getting in the way.

There is more - a lot more.

I have not had the sense any time since I left for college that you were interested in getting to know me, getting to know my wife and children, or even was interested in being considered part of the family that Karen and I created and raised (on our own).  This is real.

I am not open to rebuttal.  Neither do I consider that our relationship can be repaired.  My experience of our past relationship is that I felt punished by you and feel rejected by you, which makes it unimaginable that I would now open up.  There doesn't seem to be any possibility of even having a conversation - I simply cannot imagine what would have to happen in order for me to trust you.

I have written this letter over and over in my mind over the last year or so and it keeps ending up blaming you.  I don't really want to do that.  I own a part of this poor relationship, too.  Part of me was angry for the way dad treated you - he was wrong - and part of me was disappointed and shocked how you treated me after your divorce and after I was married.  It was hard for me to stay in relationship when so many negative feelings were spilling over uninvited into our relationship and onto my family when I was just trying to figure out - with help from virtually nobody - how to survive.  It was easier to just go forward with my life when it seemed too risky and unsafe to try to engage you.  And over and over my sense of no safety was reinforced by your bitterness - let me just say this:  your relationship with my dad had nothing to do with me.  I am not and never have been responsible for your happiness and it is also unfair to expect me or anyone else to fix your lack of happiness.

Moreover, it was unfair of you to require me to choose sides.  I was unhappy that you blamed Karen for my lack of religious feelings.  I am still shocked at your attempt to impose your beliefs on my children without permission.  It has taken me literally decades to unlearn from many of your and dad's examples.  I am not proud of stepping away, but I am proud of the person that I am, and my feelings to this day are that I did what I had to do for myself.

You should not consider this a step in some process of reconciliation.  A first step would be for you to apologize for what I heard you say in our last phone conversation.  You remember what that was: "On a scale of 1-10, how dark is she."  I wonder how you feel about that comment now.  Since you spent the rest of the conversation defending your judgement and you have had years to think about what you said to me without apology, I don't expect an apology.  Nevertheless, that is what would have to come first.

Really, I think this is all there is.  I am retired, happy, a successful dad and partner, and getting ready to welcome new members of my family, which I will cherish and love and listen to and let go of without judgement about the color of their skin, the length of their hair, or their religion, or where they live, or their chosen profession, or who they love.  I have lived proudly and blissfully this way for a while now and I am ok with myself continuing my own chosen journey.  I only wish you could see that.


Sunday, March 17, 2024

Enough is Enough

Anne Lamott writes, "...age teaches us that kind, simple and practical are enough, even in the face of the worst things we’ve lived through: suicides, mental illness, odious leaders, sudden death. My friend Don was called one day by an aging and suicidal friend. His friend asked, “What is the point of it all?” After a moment, Don replied gently, “Mornings are nice.” And, wildly, it was enough."



Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Way Things Are

We have been told that this is the greatest country in the world, that we are the greatest people in the world and that we have the best of everything.  We have the best doctors, the best schools, the best technology, the best engineers and scientists, the biggest companies, the best political system.  We have the biggest and most powerful military in history. We are the richest country in the world, the most developed.  We have been told, countless times, that the Creator of the Universe destined it this way.

We have been told that we deserve the best.  We should be treated like the greatest people on the planet.  We can do whatever we want and to whom we want and take whatever we desire.  We must be treated like royalty and live like kings and queens.

Why then are so many disappointed, frustrated, and angry. It makes no sense that so many of us go hungry, are homeless, are depressed, die by suicide, are on the verge of being penniless, are powerless, have no future, are exposed to violence and crime, and struggle daily for existence.  If we are so smart and powerful and rich why then are we not living like we were promised?  Why are we so powerless?

So we are confused and disillusioned and angry.  Frothing at the mouth angry.  Willing to harm someone angry.  Someone is to blame for this injustice.  It cannot be ourselves, because we are the smartest, the greatest, the richest.  So, for starters we will blame the very people, the very system, that tells us, like a hypnotist, that we are the greatest but at the same time fail to deliver.

Because we are so great and still so powerless we cannot fix it. Someone else must fix it.  Someone who will do whatever it will take to remove those who failed to deliver and who will correct the wrongs committed upon us.  Someone who will do anything and everything to get us what we deserve, right and wrong be damned, whatever the cost, because it is wrong that we are not living like royalty. And there is someone who has done exactly that for himself.  A person who has done anything and everything, will say anything and everything, the system and right and wrong be damned, at any cost, to get what they have.  To live like a king and make their own rules.  Now do you understand why things are the way they are?

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

How the Healing Begins


    Don’t feel sorry for me because I don’t.  I frame my scars and healed bones as evidence of a life fully lived.  And there are a lot of scars and healed bones.  I have acquired them by being both a bit of a risk-taker and by doing completely ordinary things.  Once, for example, I was hit while crossing the road by a school bus on a perfect summer afternoon.  The driver said he didn’t see me, and an attorney friend said that I should let him “pay for my kids’ college.”  Other injuries were sustained falling out of things, off things, and onto things.  Temporary setbacks, all.

    My worst physical injury was from riding my bike.  It was in 2015 during a fast group ride when several riders tangled and fell in front of me.  I was the only one that didn’t get up.  My shattered arm and shoulder were, according to the surgeon who worked to put it all back together, “an unsolved orthopedic problem.”

    About a year after the surgery, I could use my arm enough to play guitar.  After eight years I can ride comfortably about 10 miles and 20 if I grit my teeth.  My legs are fine, but my arm gets tired.  It is still wonderful and magic to ride but the pain keeps me from riding regularly.

    As it so happens, my physical injury was coupled with an injury that was not physical.  It is hard to comprehend how awry my plans to ride and race in my retirement have gone and how hard it is to come to terms with my new reality.  Sometimes, when I share my story, my 30-year love affair with the machine, the years of close camaraderie, the danger, the finely honed skill of riding fast with others, how much I loved feeling strong and racing all out and hammering on the weekends and hanging with the busters with a strong coffee afterwards, and how I can’t do it anymore, I am not looking for sympathy.   Well, to be honest, maybe a little.

    What I really need to share is how much I have lost, which is something all of us experience if we live long enough.  That is what I want people to hear, and I am often discouraged by how many people, even close friends, are not able to go there.  It’s frustrating and depressing to not be heard.

    Once I shared with someone that the state of politics makes me frightened.  He thought, wrongly, that I wanted to debate politics.  No, I wanted to talk about how politics makes me feel.  Completely different topic.  It took a risk for me to raise the question and when the conversation took a left turn, it was a bit baffling. I kept trying to redirect by pointing out, “You don’t seem to be listening to what I am saying.”  But the other person was stuck in winning his part of the conversation.

    So, what do I say to people that suggest I try a recumbent?  I want to say, “I am not talking about what kind of thing I should ride.  I am talking about losing something important.”  Look, I don’t need someone to try to fix me because I know that what I have lost is gone.  What I want, and this is what I should ask for, is validation that losing something important hurts.  That is how the healing begins - by acknowledging that a life fully lived involves loss and the pain of loss.  And I am not sorry for living fully.